Company Profile

AquAeTer was founded in August 1992; the firm’s name was derived as follows: Aqua (water) + Aer (air) + Terra (earth) = AquAeTer

Federal Small Business
TN Small Business Enterprise
Federal Tax ID: 621506628
DUNS #:625728118

AquAeTer, Inc. is a multi-disciplinary engineering firm that provides scientific and technical services in projects related to energy, engineering, environmental, sustainability, and risk analyses. Whether a client is considering permitting a new plant, a potential real estate acquisition, upgrading an existing manufacturing facility, assessing their products impact on the environment, or analyzing environmental risks through forensics and data analysis, AquAeTer finds practical, cost-effective solutions to today’s challenging technical problems.

We work with energy companies, oil and gas facilities, manufacturing, and waste management facilities. AquAeTer also works with national and international financial institutions, real estate developers, law firms, commercial businesses and telecommunications companies, as well as, partnering consultants for industrial, commercial or Federal projects.

AquAeTer is a Federal small business and a Tennessee Certified Small Business Enterprise with professional staff located in Colorado, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Montana, North Carolina, and Tennessee. We respond to our clients’ needs, providing high-quality work that meets their objectives. Our team includes professional geologists, hydrogeologists, engineers, and scientists, along with a highly capable support staff. Our professionals are recognized nationally and internationally in their areas of expertise, and are frequently requested to provide expert opinions in these areas. The success of our staff is corroborated by the multiple honors and awards they have received, the life-changing work they have completed and our very happy clients.